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Each Galaxy consists of trillions of planets. Why did he put all of his life form creations on the one planet? Talk about a waste of space…
in God by (1.5k points)
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2 Answers

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Why did he give us such a BIG PLAYGROUND? As a token of how much he loves us. You are making a rather big assumption that there is no intelligent life on any of those planets though.

by (900 points)
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The bible is a historical book of christianity, it is God's biblical history and rules as it pertains to earth. I do believe that somewhere out there there is life. Perhaps even with their own bible with god's biblical history as it pertains to that civilization. I believe our bible has no indication of what life is out there on other planets / galaxies. We at this point do not have the technology that we can travel such vast distances, Warp drive has yet to be developed but it will come but not in my life time. What if the Adam and eve of a different planet did not partake and eat the forbidden fruit???
by (350 points)
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