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in Sin by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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Become a better human being by doing what our lord commanded: love yourself and others. As Catholics we have a wealth of guidance on developing virtues. Focus on them, not your sins. Sinning is missing the mark. An archer doesn't improve by focusing on his misses, but only on the target, the centre of the bull's eye*. As Catholics we have a powerful way of putting our sins behind us - use it - and don't look back. You will not always hit the bull's eye, or even the target. You are just a weak human like the rest of us. All you can do is your best. Keep doing it. You will get better. You will never be perfect. Expecting to is a trap.

*Archers don't ignore their misses or minimize them, they take appropriate corrective action, learning from their errors, but always concentrating on the objective, patiently working to improve their score, hopefully with expert guidance.
by (1.5k points)
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