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in Salvation by (1.5k points)
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3 Answers

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If “salvation” here refers to the notion of “the gates of heaven being open”, then the coming of Jesus Christ is really unrelated.

From a person’s creation, heaven has always been open to him.  If a person does not make it into heaven, it is not because the gates are closed, but rather because the person himself lacks the will to enter.

Heaven is the destiny for which we are created, but the fulfilment of that destiny is something every person has to will sincerely and live life accordingly. 

by (200 points)
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Do you really think that Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything in it, including Space and Time, has a problem with the sequence of events? Such a human stumbling block! This is not our problem – leave it to God. It is vain and presumptuous to think we can know his mind. His ways are not our ways.

by (900 points)
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I believe that Jesus died for all mankind both past and present. For god time and space is different. There was some scienceist was once quoted as saying there the past present and future is being played out at the same time in different dimensions. I don't fully understand that as I am not Einstien. But that statement contradicts the idea of going back in time can change the future. The old testiment people often made sacrifices such as burning their best animal Jesus changed all that he died for everyone.
by (350 points)
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