No, I don't think so, not alone. Reason and evidence are important and can perhaps remove barriers to belief, clarify misunderstandings and show that belief is not unreasonable, but belief in God, or anything else for that matter, is a decision one makes based on intuition, imagination and insight. There's a risk you might be wrong but you decide to take it. No one can prove they love you - there may always be ulterior motives - you have to freely open your heart to them - risky! Religious people speak of receiving the gift of faith, something they sought and continue to nurture. But you have to be open to it, want it, and treasure it. I don't think God wants to force anyone's affection or obedience just as I wouldn't want that of my children or friends. God, and I, want wholehearted freely given unconditional love, affection and unity, never forced, even by persuasive arguments.